Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A Bug's Life
Not your normal landscape..... Fourth graders created landscapes from a different point of view....a "bug's eye" view! After some discussion on scale and proportion, fourth graders set out to create a world seen through a bug's eye. Students drew in pencil and Sharpie marker, and added color with crayon and watercolor. Next year, I think I will have them title their artwork. I can only imagine what they will come up with!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Lines and Colors and Shapes....Oh My!
First grade artists created these abstract paintings using geometric and free-form shapes, primary and secondary colors, and line variety. The paintings followed a lesson were we read the book Mouse Paint, identified primary colors, and created secondary colors using Model Magic.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Giocometti Foil Sculptures
Fifth grade students observed the artwork of Alberto Giocometti and created sculptures with similar characteristics (elongated torso and limbs). The students' sculptures are based on gesture drawings drawn the previous week. This quick method of drawing is meant to capture the action of the person. Once the student created their sculpture it was glued to a base. The fifth grade artists had a great time making their sculptures....so much so that we will be creating a life size sculpture through the winter!
The idea for these sculptures was taken from a similar lesson on Mrs. Knight's Smartest Artists blog.